Monday, March 19, 2012

My Pregnancy: Week 18!

Welcome to week 18! Every day is getting us closer to finding out if we are growing a boy or girl...and as I have said before, I'm dying to find out! The general consensus from the peanut gallery seems to be girl. So I guess we will see:)

So! What does week 18 hold for exhibit A, you ask? This week is the week that the activity bumps up. Last week, I read that although the baby has been moving around the entire time, this week is when I will actually be able to feel the movements. Obviously that had my hopes up, but low and behold on Sunday, my birthday, I felt the first official movements! It was one of the coolest things I have ever felt! And today, our little Olympian has been rolling around all over the place. The baby is also developing its yawning and hiccuping skills, along with finger and toe prints.

With me, not too much has changed. Just the same ol' headaches and lower back pain. But I heard something interesting. As most people know pregnant women's feet can grow and stay bigger after each pregnancy. The reason for this is a hormone named relaxin that is released in the body. It helps relax the tendons and ligaments in the pelvic area and feet. This separates the bones in the feet making more surface area....I'm going to resemble a clown...or a weeble wobble. So sad!!

Well, until next week my friends....

Kevin's fun Fact: Let's do some simple math this time...
Pregnant women's increased water intake + baby applying pressure to bladder +
my comedic genius = Pee pants

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