Monday, March 26, 2012

My Pregnancy: Week 19!

The countdown has begun! Only 10 days until we find out if we are
going to be blessed with a little boy or a baby girl! Although the
majority of people are predicting that I am having a girl, Kevin and I
still have an overwhelming feeling that a boy is on the way. I guess
time will tell! But not to get ahead of myself, welcome to week 19!
Almost half way through!!

This week, little Exhibit A is developing a layer of goo called vernix
caseosa. Imagine staring at a mango covered in cheese (not my
analogy). How gross is
that?? The function of this white, greasy goop is actually pretty
interesting. It covers the baby's skin, keeping the amniotic fluid
from touching it. The closer that we get to the due date the more the
vernix sheds, although some actually is still present on the baby's
body at birth.

Symptoms are the same with me, except for the fact that my headaches
are becoming more frequent and intense. Also, exhibit A has been
practicing judo like a mad man/crazy woman. The movements are so much
more apparent now. It is such an incredible feeling and makes
everything seem more realistic than it ever was before.

Thanks for reading everyone and stay tuned for the future installments
of "I'm Pregnant and I know it"

Kevin's fact: Ashley and I are so incredibly blessed. Between our friends and family, we have the most loving, caring and generous people that are showering us with nothing but support. Your love is the foundation on which we will build the life of our beautiful baby. Thank you all.

Monday, March 19, 2012

My Pregnancy: Week 18!

Welcome to week 18! Every day is getting us closer to finding out if we are growing a boy or girl...and as I have said before, I'm dying to find out! The general consensus from the peanut gallery seems to be girl. So I guess we will see:)

So! What does week 18 hold for exhibit A, you ask? This week is the week that the activity bumps up. Last week, I read that although the baby has been moving around the entire time, this week is when I will actually be able to feel the movements. Obviously that had my hopes up, but low and behold on Sunday, my birthday, I felt the first official movements! It was one of the coolest things I have ever felt! And today, our little Olympian has been rolling around all over the place. The baby is also developing its yawning and hiccuping skills, along with finger and toe prints.

With me, not too much has changed. Just the same ol' headaches and lower back pain. But I heard something interesting. As most people know pregnant women's feet can grow and stay bigger after each pregnancy. The reason for this is a hormone named relaxin that is released in the body. It helps relax the tendons and ligaments in the pelvic area and feet. This separates the bones in the feet making more surface area....I'm going to resemble a clown...or a weeble wobble. So sad!!

Well, until next week my friends....

Kevin's fun Fact: Let's do some simple math this time...
Pregnant women's increased water intake + baby applying pressure to bladder +
my comedic genius = Pee pants

Monday, March 12, 2012

My Pregnancy: Week 17

Hello, hello, hello, and welcome to week 17! I can't believe that I am getting so close to half way! And in three weeks we find out if we are having a boy or a girl....this is when it is really going to drag....I hate not knowing!!!

This week is especially Kuhl for the baby (get it?). The heartbeat, which is beating at twice my rate, is finally being regulated by the brain, instead of the random heartbeats that have been happening. The baby is about the size of my palm now, weighing in at around 5 ounces, and is learning it's reflexive skill of swallowing. Also, baby fat is beginning to develop. Hopefully it will be taken from my newly acquired stash.

Not much has changed this much for me. Still having the headaches and backaches, but Im working on ways to relieve it. It's exciting though, I've noticed my bump for a while now, but that's because it's my body. Now, everyone at work is noticing that I'm showing, which I love. I realize that this is a bit dry this week, but things are about to get very exciting! Until next time......Seacrest out!!

Kevin's fun fact: I wear v-necks because it accentuates my face shape.
Kevin's fun baby fact: Men are the only gender that possess both X and Y chromosomes, meaning that I determine the sex of the baby. And she thinks she's in control.....

Monday, March 5, 2012

My Pregnancy: Week 16!

Hello all! So sorry for missing the blog last week, but I was fortunate enough to take a quick trip home. Although I know that every single one of you check this website hundreds of times every Monday for the update, I was "scolded" by Jessi and her roommates for not posting last week, so Ladies, this one is for you.

Welcome to week 16! The baby actually can be anywhere from 2 to 3 ounces and about 5 inches long. This week is an exciting one as well, because the ear bones have formed enough for it to be able to hear sounds (Kevin's oh so funny knock knock jokes for instance). Some of the facial muscles have formed enabling our little one to frown and squint. Also, even though the eyelids are still sealed shut, the eyes are able to perceive light. We had a check up today, and the baby is in perfect condition. Strong heartbeat, normal measurements, and on track to be an Olympian. That last one is only a well calculated guess.

On my end of everything, I can say that my morning sickness is gone, but it has been replaced with migraines (See: Kevin's knock knock jokes). I never really had them before, so it is just another adventure that I'd prefer not to embark on. Also, my skin is super dry, partly thanks to this northern chill. I am proud to say, that all though I feel a little bigger, I have maintained my weight. Probably the best news I heard today:)

You stay classy San Diego!

Kevin fun fact: Apparently, many women's feet grow through pregnancy because of the added strain. Right now she is at a 9. I wear a 14. My money is on her splitting the difference at 11.5. Bets anyone??