Monday, February 6, 2012

My Pregnancy: Week 12

Today was the most exciting day that we have experienced since we found out we were pregnant. We had our first ultrasound! Seeing our little exhibit A was the most overwhelming feeling! It was so funny to watch him squirm and dance all over as we watched him. I didn't realize how much the little one moves already, but he didn't sit still once. It may be an omen of what's to come, which Kevin and I are both completely ecstatic about.

Along with it's aerobic regiment, little baby is super busy growing. The intestines are growing and the kidneys are beginning to excrete urine into the bladder already. The eyes are moving to the front of the face instead of the sides where they once were. Also the brain is developing quickly. Last week, we thought the baby was about 2 inches, but actually today we found out Exhibit A is just over 5 cm. Also, we were right on track with how far along we are! Little one and I have known each other for exactly 12 weeks today! We will be welcoming baby Kuhl on August 19. That is of course, if little Kuhl agrees.

Thankfully, my morning sickness is almost history. Some food still messes with me. Turkey, sausage and bacon, I'm afraid, may always be enemies. I can't begin to tell you how tired I have become. This weekend I got around 12 hours of sleep every night. Never knew I could be so tired!
That's it for this week. Enjoy the pic of the baby!

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