This week Abby will be getting some of her body fat and maybe some of Kevin's chin. This will make her skin less saggy and transparent, unlike right now since you can see her bones and blood vessels. So right now she is a little over a pound, but she will double that by the end of this month. And I will be gaining more too. Yay. But she is also developing her sense of movement. So she is aware when I move and all the moving she is doing. Also, her sense of hearing is sharpening this month. My new symptom is heartburn. Everyday. For the past five days. My hips and lower back are constantly hurting too, but I'm showing a lot now and I love that. And I learned that dancing aggravates Abby, especially after 10 pm. She has done this new thing where I think she's kicking my stomach and making me almost as nauseated as watching Kevin eat a rotisserie chicken. But again so worth it. I'm just looking forward to meeting her! Now, for Kevin's Korner....
Captain's log: For all of the joy and wonderment that Abby is going to bring into our lives, she's also going to limit many things we currently do. Sleep through the night, listen to expletive ridden rap music (Ashley's "feel good" music), leave the house without checking we have everything, and verbally abuse one another are all examples of things that will have to either stop or severely limit ourselves.