Tuesday, January 31, 2012

My Pregnancy: Week 11

Hello everyone! I felt that blogging about my pregnancy would be the most efficient way to keep everyone in the loop. I will be updating every week and after each appointment. Until we find out the gender of our little Kuhl, Kevin likes that we refer to it as exhibit A.

So this is week 11. My little baby is almost 2 inches long, and believe it or not, exhibit A has begun to grow hair, and little teeth buds are forming in its gums. It no longer has webbed feet and hands. The fingers and toes have finally taken shape. The ears are formed and Exhibit A has nipples. :) It is finally resembling a human.

My progress has pretty much been the same since I found out I was pregnant. I sleep so much more than I ever thought possible. I have morning sickness all day long, but I am able to eat more of a variety sometimes. I think i have less than a month and I will be free from morning sickness. Apparently, I have begun snoring, and I am so going to blame that on the pregnancy. I can't tell if I have a bit of a bump, or if it is fat:) but on the 6th of February we will be having our first appointment. We will find out then exactly how far along I am and hear the heartbeat. Stay tuned for the next installment on the 6th!